Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, words are often not enough to express our thoughts and emotions. This is where emojis come in. These small pictorial icons have become an integral part of online communication, with their ability to convey complex ideas and emotions in a simple and universal way. Among this vast repertoire of expressive icons, the melted face emoji stands out as a symbol with a multifaceted and nuanced meaning.

Origins of the Melted Face Emoji

Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

The melted face emoji, also known as the melting face emoji, has its roots in Japanese culture. It was first introduced in 1999 as part of NTT Docomo’s i-mode platform, a mobile internet service popular in Japan. The emoji’s original design featured a yellow face with a wide, open mouth and a dripping sweat drop on its forehead. This design was intended to convey a sense of extreme heat, exhaustion, or discomfort.

However, as the use of emojis spread globally, the melted face emoji’s meaning began to evolve and expand beyond its initial interpretation. It gained popularity on online forums and social media platforms, where it was used to express a wide range of emotions and reactions.

The Meaning of Melted Face Emoji

Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

The melted face emoji is often used to convey a sense of overwhelming emotion, whether it be positive or negative. Its primary meanings include:

1. Intense Emotions

The most common usage of the melted face emoji is to depict intense emotions. It can represent feelings of extreme happiness, excitement, or even love. On the other hand, it can also convey negative emotions such as anger, frustration, or disgust.


“I just got accepted into my dream university! 🤤”

Here, the melted face emoji is used to show excitement and happiness.

“Can’t believe she said that to me! 🤤”

In this example, the melted face emoji is used to express frustration and disbelief.

2. Physical Exhaustion

The dripping sweat drop on the forehead of the melted face emoji is also a significant factor in its meaning. It can signify physical exhaustion, whether it be from a workout, a long day at work, or other strenuous activities.


“Just finished my 10k run! 🤤💦”

In this context, the melted face emoji represents the speaker’s physical exhaustion after completing a long run.

3. Feeling Overwhelmed

The wide-open mouth of the melted face emoji can also represent feeling overwhelmed. This can be due to various reasons, such as being bombarded with too much information, dealing with a difficult situation, or simply feeling emotionally drained.


“Can’t handle all these assignments! 🤤”

Here, the melted face emoji is used to express feeling overwhelmed with the workload.

The Varied Interpretations of Melted Face Emoji

Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

Apart from its primary meanings, the melted face emoji can also have different interpretations depending on the context and the person using it. Some of the other common interpretations of this emoji include:

1. Shyness or Embarrassment

Due to its wide-open mouth, the melted face emoji is sometimes used to depict shyness or embarrassment.


“When he compliments me, I turn into a shy mess 🤤🙈”

In this context, the melted face emoji expresses the speaker’s blushing and shy reaction to a compliment.

2. Craving or Hunger

The open mouth and drooling sweat drop can also convey a sense of craving or hunger.


“Can’t wait to try out that new restaurant tonight 🤤🍔”

In this example, the melted face emoji shows the speaker’s anticipation and hunger for a new dining experience.

3. Disbelief or Shock

The melted face emoji can also be used to express disbelief or shock, particularly in response to surprising news or events.


“Did you hear about the new company policy? 🤤😱”

Here, the melted face emoji conveys the speaker’s shock and disbelief upon hearing about the new policy.

The Melted Face Emoji Across Cultures

Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

One of the most remarkable things about emojis is their ability to transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries. Emojis have become a universal language that people from different backgrounds can use to communicate with each other. However, while the melted face emoji may carry the same primary meanings globally, its interpretations and usage can vary across cultures.

In Japan, where the emoji originated, the melted face emoji is often used to depict embarrassment or awkwardness. This can be attributed to the Japanese culture’s emphasis on politeness and avoiding confrontation. In contrast, in Western cultures, the emoji is more commonly used to express intense emotions or being overwhelmed.

How to Use Melted Face Emoji Effectively

Melted Face Emoji The Unspoken Language of Our Digital Age

Like with any other form of communication, using emojis effectively requires understanding their meaning and context. Here are some tips on how to use the melted face emoji in your online conversations:

  1. Don’t overdo it – Using too many emojis can make your message difficult to read and come across as immature.
  2. Know your audience – Consider who you’re communicating with and their cultural background before using the melted face emoji.
  3. Use it sparingly – Reserve the emoji for moments when words alone cannot fully convey your emotions.
  4. Be mindful of the context – Ensure that the emoji is appropriate for the situation and doesn’t come across as offensive or insensitive.

The Impact of Emojis on Digital Communication

The widespread use of emojis has had a significant impact on the way we communicate with each other online. Here are some of the ways emojis have changed the digital communication landscape:

1. Expressing Emotions

Before emojis, it was challenging to convey emotions accurately in written form. With the use of emojis, we can now express our emotions more effectively, making online communication more nuanced and personal.

2. Adding Context

Emojis can also add context to a message, helping avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations. For example, using the melted face emoji with a joke can indicate that the message is meant to be humorous.

3. Universality

As mentioned earlier, emojis have become a universal language, allowing people from different cultures and backgrounds to communicate without language barriers. This has helped bridge the gap between individuals and promote cross-cultural understanding.

The Evolution of Emojis

Since its inception in 1999, the melted face emoji has undergone several changes and iterations. In 2010, Apple released their version of the emoji, which featured a yellow face with wider eyes and a more exaggerated mouth. In 2015, Unicode Consortium, the organization responsible for standardizing emojis, approved the melted face emoji as part of its Unicode 8.0 update.

In 2020, with the release of Unicode 13.0, the melted face emoji received a significant makeover. The updated design features a more realistic-looking face with a yellow hue, visible teeth, and a more subtle sweat drop. This change reflects the growing diversity and inclusivity in the emoji world.


The melted face emoji may seem like a simple icon, but its meaning and usage go far beyond its initial interpretation. From expressing intense emotions to connecting people from different cultures, this emoji has become an integral part of our digital language. As emojis continue to evolve and gain popularity, it’s safe to say that the melted face emoji will remain an essential symbol in our online conversations. So the next time you use this emoji, remember its multifaceted meaning and the unspoken language it represents in our digital age.